Odyssey Guitar Craft

Morris W-80


高知県にお住まいのS.H.さんからMorris W-80のリペアご依頼をいただき、トップ板割れリペアとフィンガーボード浮きリペア、フレット交換、および弦周りのTUSQ化を行いました (後日、S.H.さんからCheri the Hammerのリペアご依頼をいただきました。S.H.さん、ありがとうございます!) 下記の文面はS.H.さんがこのギターを入手した際に私宛にいただいたメールと添付されていた写真です。文面にはギターの深刻な状況とギターを復活させたいS.H.さんの熱い思いが込められていました。


I hope you don't mind me writing to you out of the blue (and in English), but maybe you can help me ...

Amongst your repair case files on the homepage I saw one for a Morris W-80. Last week while visiting an antique shop along the Niyodo-gawa here in Kochi Prefecture, I found a nice guitar case.

When I opened it, there was a Morris W-80 inside, but the instrument was in pretty bad shape, with a broken neck (literally) and terrible cracks on the top of the body.
I bought the case. Since the guitar basically looked like a write-off, the store clerk said she’d throw in the instrument for free.

When I got home, I took the guitar out and checked it over, thinking:

"Well, what am I going to do with you then? I can’t just throw you away, can I?"

I tried out the lower registers.
Even though it was clearly broken and out of tune, the sound was amazingly strong.
It was almost as though the guitar were pleading with me:

"I know I’m pretty beat up and not much to look at, but I've still got a lot to give. Go on: help me out here ..."

I've taken some photos, so that you can get a general impression of the damage. What do you think?
Can you help us?

  • リペア後のギターを受け取られて、S.H.さんから下記の暖かいメッセージが届きました 文面には復活したギターを手にされた喜びと興奮が記されています。


    Thank you for all your work on the Morris W-80.
    It arrived here safely on Saturday, and when I finally had a few hours to play it on Sunday, I was amazed.

    There was more than just life in there, there was a rich sound quality too.
    This timbre may have been hidden for years but you have brought it back to life!
    I especially like the sound when playing the lower strings.
    They have a very powerful drive if you hit them right, which unfortunately I only manage occasionally. But the overall sound remains round and mellow.

    So it's going to be fun to play some acoustic jazz.
    Best of all the instrument feels really easy to play.
    It's almost like it wants to put the player at ease – even a third rate one like me!

    So on behalf of the Morris W-80 (now back from the dead), me and maybe the ghost of the previous owner, thanks again!

    S.H.さん、とても温かいメッセージをいただき、ありがとうございました ギターの状況を確認させていただいて、果たして楽器として蘇らせることが可能なのか、とても悩みましたが、トップ板修復を行った後に弦を張って強度的に問題がないことを確認して、ギターの復活を確信しました 弦周りのリペア工程を終えて試奏したときに聞いた音色は感動的なもので、S.H.さんの仰る「Back from the Dead」の言葉通りでした
    During the top crack repair, I was a little bit nervous and anxious for the guitar recovers its enough strength against string tension.
    The guitar retrieved as if saying "I'm OK !!!".
    After repairing frets, nut saddle, I could hear the voice "Yes ! I'm ready !!".
    I am very happy to read your impression message.

    Morris W-80を「HELP」すること、そしてケースの中から「OUT」することができて、私も本当に嬉しい気持ちでいっぱいです 蘇ったMorris W-80とともに、これからも素晴らしいギターライフをお送りください
    この度は弊工房にギターリペアのご依頼をいただき、誠にありがとうございました 今後とも何卒よろしくお願いいたします




